Where To Begin

To change the world outside, first change the world within, many are those who died not knowing where to begin. The true riches of this world are all carried inside, those who think all is bought and sold have already died. Into this world we all came naked, and naked we all must leave, time should never be wasted buying a heaven that can only deceive. There is no price that can be paid for what cannot be sold, the truth ascribing meaning to this life one can never trade, for money or for gold. As those who live under stress sometimes tend to forget: a life of blind excess leads only to regret. But those of us fortunate enough to consider the meaning of our lives, know exactly what we must rebuff to maintain a faith that never dies. So use your time wisely, while this day is still at hand, to live for a God who loves you is to live by divine command. Life can only start if by the truth you are impelled: to love God with all your heart, to love your neighbor as yourself. The Book of Life was written not merely to be read, a man will never be forgiven if by hypocrisy misled. The innocence of yesterday should guide tomorrow's plan, in life to find his way, the child must lead the man. Live as sisters and brothers, by selfishness never compelled, always treat one another as you would like to be treated yourself. Though life may seem momentarily short, when there is so much left to do, always offer your complete support to those in search of what is true. If you can find the time to appreciate all that defies time itself, the company of a loved one is a great gift you can give yourself. Being of service to the poor, assist all those in need, always wanting more is a pointless sign of greed. Keep no record of transgressions, be always ready to forgive, never give the false impression of being owed more than you give. The cross of all his sins, no man can bear alone, only the grace of God ever wins forgiveness that all atones. Humility is a duty always owed to God above, to admire his true beauty is to bow before true love. Appearances can be deceiving, so from judgment please refrain, never stop believing God above will always reign. Ask in silent prayer and God will hear your pleas, his judgment is always fair, there are no limits to what he sees. All this I learned from a Man, so much greater than myself, all in life follows a plan written by God himself. Never be deceived by what your senses say is true, the greatest glory to be achieved is serving the One who created you. All we ever have in life is always carried inside, those who tell you otherwise have to themselves already lied. Of all that can be taken from a man even in his prime, his soul will never be forsaken by a faith that conquers time. No amount of pain can forever keep him down, in a kingdom where true love reigns, only righteousness is crowned. Blessed is the one who properly plays his part, the calling of the Son is answered by his heart. To change the world outside, first change the world within, many are those who died, not knowing where to begin.