On the Words Left Behind

A righteous man should always remain true to whatever he says and writes, striving to live up to the words he leaves behind, rejecting a hypocritical life where insincere actions only betray dishonest words. Sincere we should always be in regards to all we believe to be true so manipulative mendacity does not compromise interpersonal relationships, forthright communication and religious life as a whole. To live in a world of lies where the truth is constantly debased as a whore only gives rise to choices always made against our best spiritual interests, if not our mundane worldly ones. A man who fails to abide by his own words is only betrayed by his moral conscience and personal hypocrisy, failing to live up to whatever values and ideas he may have once so convincingly espoused in written form or speech. Is it too much to ask people to respect their own words when so many already indulge in a life of self-serving lies?
This shameful kind of hypocrisy is one of the main stumbling blocks the pious come across when studying religious writing. Many are those who use a yardstick against the world entirely unbecoming of their own personal choices and actions. A self-professed man of faith who secretely violates the very same spiritual laws he publicly claims to uphold is first guilty of religious hypocrisy, a most sinful dereliction of duty. The Bible was originally written and compiled to embody the entire spiritual law universally applied to all souls divinely being judged. Whether a soul is forever saved for a halcyon eternity in Heaven, or peremptorily condemned to be terminantly destroyed in Hell, largely depends on the just application of this divine law to any specific life in question. Always bearing in mind one's faithful obedient acceptance or wanton rebellious rejection of God's divine eternal law, all souls are heavenly judged in accordance with the golden standard of truth so carefully presented in the Bible. How God goes about dispensing this divine justice should only remain a mystery for those tragically enthralled by mollifying lies, baseless ignorance and false appearances. Whatever else is said about religious hypocrisy, to fool the entire world is most certainly not to fool God himself.
Mystified as some may be regarding the seemingly abstruse workings of divine eternal justice, only those who sincerely love the truth can ever best appreciate how to truly defend it. To love and abide by the truth is to clearly understand the many debilitating limitations imposed upon unrepentant liars who center their lives on religious hypocrisy. Always surrounded by the myriad dangerous pitfalls of their own cynicism, religious hypocrites are divinely held to account for the conspicuous discrepancies and irreconcilable contradictions separating their self-professed beliefs from their individual choices, moral conduct and personal actions. How lying to others as to oneself can pass for a respectable religion is a sad reality only rendered more palatable by the financial rewards abysmally made available. When corrupt churches are perniciously run as highly profitable business enterprises, manipulative lies becomes the currency of choice to safeguard vested interests and false appearances. Despite the high sums involved, religious hypocrisy cannot bring about spiritual salvation because lies can never be the foundation over which to build the truth. If only this verity could be sincerely applied to all religious writing, a plethora of self-professed believers would not so easily be deceived by what dishonest words so falsely have to convey. Only the truth can pave the road and lead the way towards salvation, painful as this journey may occasionally be. As Christ himself once taught in St. John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
How a self-professed believer can supposedly worship the truth while always indulging in self-serving lies is an obvious contradiction only religious hypocrisy can ever really account for. Sadly enough for those whose willful self-deception is a matter of personal pride, the immense damage wrought by lies always told to oneself can hardly be self-contained. To share lies of a religious nature is to eventually share all the spiritual pain inevitably associated with it as well. No wonder the most convincing liar is usually the one who first believes in his own lies before persuading others to do the same. As religious hypocrisy so heartlessly commands, lying to oneself usually implies lying to myriad others as well. The spiritual price paid by this shared mendacity is the obliteration of souls that might otherwise have been saved. How the truth can be so mistreated is always a clear sign of religious hypocrisy and the accompanying spiritual unbelief. Before it can be compassionately shared with others, the spiritual truth about life must first be personally accepted and individually embraced, lest hypocrisy should blindly lead and falsely guide the way. While those who learn to believe in their own lies so blindly strive to deceive the world, only their own lifestyle, moral choices and actions can be used to reveal the underlying truth. Unable to bridge the abyssal void separating what is said and done, the religious hypochrite would cover any expense so the illusion of genuine faith and true belief never comes undone. False words must be sincerely parsed before the real truth can ever see the light of day, never to be engulfed by the seemingly impenetrable darkness of an endless night, one that all divine hope strives to slay.
While their illusory public image vies for preeminence, there is a considerable amount of money ever so diligently to be made, much to our immense personal consternation and lancinating spiritual pain. That so many should fall for this artifice is seemingly tragic beyond all honest belief. When hypocrites are handsomely paid only to falsely guide the way, religion becomes a profitable business for the many always so tragically led astray. In his time, shortly before being egregiously arrested, tortured and crucified, Christ fearlessly warned that God's divine house of prayer had sadly become a venal den of thieves, as stated in St. Matthew 21:13. Despite the false veneer of sanctity, many are the churches just as vulnerable to sincere criticism today. Seemingly deceptive as false appearances may always be, the faithless need never be truly blind only to refuse to see. This blinding hypocrisy is a debilitating religious malady afflicting a plethora of people, having an immense destructive power never to be crassly underestimated or blatantly ignored. While so many willfully and cravenly embrace religious hypocrisy as a profitable way of life, only a brave select few are ever redeemed by God's divine grace and eternal spiritual salvation. As Christ once exhorted in St. Matthew 7:13-14, "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads towards destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow is the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." That so many souls should be eternally destroyed, solely by the insidious power of religious hypocrisy, is a lamentable tragedy only best elucidated by the direct application of God's divine law to our own lives.
In accordance with the two most important biblical commandments, spiritual salvation is granted only to the select few who first love their divine Creator with all their hearts, minds and souls, while later loving those around them, as well as themselves. When seen as a shared divine truth, this mutual love is the bond uniting all saved souls with their heavenly Creator. As Christ himself once taught on St. Matthew 18:18, all that is bound on Earth will also be bound in Heaven, just as all that is lost on Earth will also be lost in Heaven. The celestial spiritual ties binding true believers to the redemptive power of divine love and heavenly grace are unmeant to be destroyed even by death itself. While hypocrisy cannot account for this divine concept of eternal life, those united only by lies are by their shared mendacity all bound to be destroyed. The divine power of true love is never one to be sold at any given pecuniary price nor spiritually safeguarded by unrepentant lies so often perpetuated by religious hypocrites. Mindful that spiritual salvation can never be truly sold in the marketplace, a self-respecting church should always know better than to crassly operate as just another accursed business enterprise. Of the many things that can always be transacted and sold in this world, spiritual salvation is most certainly never one.
As previously mentioned elsewhere, the true price of spiritual atonement and eternal redemption is all the faith and hope so dearly placed on divine love itself. Always bearing in mind this epic quest for spiritual salvation, entirely chimeric are the limits falsely imposed on this divine love by all those conspiring against it. When delivering the Sermon on the Mount, Christ went so far as to profess his undying love for his enemies, in a soulful attempt to convert and save even the most callously hardened of unbelieving hearts. While answering this call to faith, leading a sincere and truthful life is of paramount importance because our choices and actions should always be a direct reflection and a precise mirror image of our own most precious religious beliefs. The greatest testament of faith is a sincere life ever so humbly lived in accordance with God's divine law. Honest words should always be valiantly accompanied by truthful heartfelt actions, both of which serve only to corroborate our most sincere faith and undying religious beliefs. This is one of the many ways in which a true believer defends the divine love leading only to spiritual salvation, while leaving no room for blinding hypocrisy and damning infernal lies.
Hypocrisy can never peacefully abide where true love so sincerely resides because the truth cannot be defended by baseless, unfettered lies. This is simply no way to treat others as we would like to be treated ourselves. Living by our own words is the least that others can truly expect from us. When doing unto others as you would have them do unto you, lying should be entirely out of the question. Overcoming a pernicious lie with an even more insidious one is a heartless race to the bottom the pious should never partake in. Those whose jobs absolutely require one to live and embrace a mendacious world of self-serving lies can never truly expect to be spiritually saved. As Christ once warned all inveterate liars in John 8:44, "You belong to your father the Devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."
Needless to say, emulating the Devil is most certainly no defensible way of attaining spiritual salvation. Always lost is the spiritual war if becoming like your enemy is the only way to win it. For all of these reasons, avoiding religious hypocrisy first requires true believers to abide by the so-called Golden Rule, always treating others as we would like to be treated ourselves. The only spiritually defensible currency of trade ideally used to repay the truth is the truth itself. Only a systematic understanding and a panoramic view of the whole Bible can best assist the faithful on how to embrace and apply the Golden Rule. This is another major biblical precept guiding the dispensation of love across every relationship, preventing a true believer from indulging in the most reprehensible form of heartless deception. Lying to others as to oneself is most certainly no divine biblical commandment anyone has ever truly heard of. This unforgiving manipulation and spiritual mendacity is always so inextricably related to religious hypocrisy and so conspicuously characteristic of the Devil himself, a theological assertion to be equally applied to all of his countless demonic acolytes and conniving infernal minions in tandem.
Since true believers would much rather hear God's all-redeeming liberating truth than be falsely comforted by seemingly self-serving lies, those of us who enjoy hearing and reading the truth should also be ready to speak and write it ourselves. To defend the Gospel is to always defend its direct application to our own lives and the most sincere words we so gracefully leave behind. Only by living sincere and truthful lives can true believers honestly present ourselves before the world and be truly loved for whom we really are, as opposed to being falsely adored or even conspicuously despised for whom we could only pretend to be. False religious leaders usually wallow in the hypocrisy of their own evil intent and mendacious lifestyles, always in direct contradiction to their publicly professed religious beliefs. Of the many things one can hope to achieve through lying, defending true love was hardly ever one. Since the defense of our love for God and for our neighbors as ourselves is such a central aspect of all divine biblical law, there is no room for manipulative mendacity where only true love should abide.
This divine love must be faithfully nurtured and piously defended according to the religious Truth commonly referred to as the Gospel. As a divine biblical word translated from the original Greek term "evangelion", the meaning of the word "Gospel" signifies "good news", always in reference to the coming of Christ as the Messiah and the accompanying spiritual promise of eternal salvation. Inspiredly set forward in the Bible, and hopefully taught and defended by the Church, the Gospel has always guided believers through even the most difficult moments of seemingly impenetrable spiritual darkness. Accepting and living in accordance with the Gospel is what truly redeems our souls, leading us to spiritual salvation. Frequently aided and closely guided by the Holy Spirit, a whole host of spiritual intercessors are also willing and able to defend true believers who place their faith in the Gospel. No righteous man who ever so honestly sought to live by the Gospel should ever feel so utterly dejected, disheveled and alone. To help us face the fearsome armies of eternal darkness God has also enlisted a formidable army of eternal light. Learning to shine amid an all-surrounding darkness is hardly ever the same as wholeheartedly worshipping and soulfully embracing it.
But despite all the spiritual assistance provided, this does not preclude true believers from personally defending the application of God's divine law to our own lives. The many actions undertaken and plethora of choices made throughout the course of our lifetimes are always divinely judged according to the myriad lessons of the Gospel. As St. Paul once taught, despite the ample scope of the many life choices always so seemingly made available, not all are equally recommended while bearing in mind the protracted wellbeing of oneself and others. When freewill is poorly exercised, forgiveness, atonement and the remission of sins are only rendered possible within the clearly delineated bounds faithfully set by biblical law, sacred illuminating words always celestially empowered by God's all redeeming divine love itself. As only those who truly love also know how to truly forgive, there is always much that can be accomplished when faithfully embracing and sincerely applying the sacred biblical words of the Gospel to our own lives.
Accepting and embracing God's divine law, before compassionately sharing it with others, is what safeguards a true believer from ever indulging in religious hypocrisy. Some have even said that the most inspirational form and indisputable acceptation of spiritual leadership is the one set only by true personal example, always in strict obedience to one's own words, as well as to the Gospel itself. Bearing this spiritual law in mind, a righteous man must first learn to rule over himself before ever attempting to rule over others. This is a religious duty owed not only to himself and those around him, but also to God Almighty. Judging others according to a divine standard always unapplied to oneself may be deemed self-serving only if divine justice were exhasperatingly blind, self-righteously hypocritical and obtusely corrupted. How grateful can one be that God's perfection also encompasses his divine justice, precisely as the Gospel itself so sternly demands. Self-professed believers and false religious leaders are always guilty of the most sinful charge of religious hypocrisy when publicly imposing on others strict obedience to the very same Gospel secretely eschewed and self-righteously unapplied by themselves.
Only an attentive reading and faithful understanding of the Bible best reveals how avoiding all religious hypocrisy is of paramount importance to our religious lives. In so far as spiritual salvation is concerned, wholeheartedly shunning religious hypocrisy is quite simply an essential requirement of the two most important commandments in the Bible. How one can ever claim to truly love while lying to others as to oneself remains an unsolved mystery. Hypocrisy is always anathema to a divine concept of true love completely devoid of beguiling malice and self-serving mendacity. Entirely malign is the ersatz love solely based on beguiling lies told only to satisfy the material needs and primal urges of a fallen world. In deference to the first commandment, a pious man who loves God with his whole heart, mind and soul would hardly have any trouble demonstrating how his most sincere words, moral choices and actions are clearly revealing of this love. Those called to serve as witnesses to Christ must first embrace God's will, living by the Gospel before defending it with words alone. Though false, superficial appearances can be occasionally deceiving, the truth can never be entirely hidden from all-seeing divine eyes.
A true believer who loves God with all his being would never have to lie about this love. Even when lies and deception are insidiously used by others to tarnish and compromise our public image and social standing, the divine would always be able to clearly see through the devlish scheme, satanic stratagem or demonic ruse. Provided one has the requisite faith, stalwart perseverance and accompanying humility to survive and overcome false accusations, hope in divine justice should never be so tragically lost. It should come as no surprise that Christ himself first warned us that those who exalt themselves before the world will be humbled, while those who humble themselves before the world will be exalted. Although great patience and unswerving resilience may also be required to fully witness and understand the operation of divine justice, time can only be said to be on our side. Living for eternity requires one not to bow before the painful vicissitudes of daily life, while facing and overcoming the seemingly tragic passing of time itself.
Obedience to the second most important commandment of biblical law also demands one eschew all religious hypochrisy. Abiding by the second commandment exigently requires a man to love his neighbor by first shunning hypocrisy himself. A man can only be said to abide by his own words, and accompanying self-professed religious beliefs, if they are entirely corroborated by his individual conduct, moral behavior and personal life story. Always lying to others as to oneself was never the divine letter of the law. Those who embrace the truth about their religion should only extend it to others as they so truly accept it themselves. There can be no room for hypocrisy where the truth claims to so righteously reside. Loving our neighbors as ourselves inextricably relies on treating others as we would like to be treated ourselves. Those always receptive of the truth should only learn to reciprocate in kind, eschewing all religious hypocrisy while doing so. The only righteous way of loving our neighbors as ourselves is by always being candidly forthright about whom we truly are and what we sincerely stand for.
For all of these reasons, abiding by the second commandment entirely precludes a Christian from applying to others religious standards of personal behavior entirely unapplied to oneself. Lest the ample scope and requisite importance of divine judgement be overtly disparaged and irrevocably debased, the truth should always guide and illuminate our way. Those who disdainfully believe they can secretely rise well above God's divine eternal law are in for the most rude of awakenings, especially while telling others how to lead their lives according to the very same spiritual laws always conspicuously unapplied to themselves. Religious hypocrisy of this kind is never spiritually self-serving because it can never really pass divinely undetected. All-knowing as the Bible purports God to be, nothing is ever hidden from his all-seeing eyes, especially while divine justice is served. A mendacious and hypocritical man who fools the entire world should never hope to fool God himself. Only when the truth concealed by every lie and false superficial appearance is finally revealed, can a man truly be seen for whom he really is and what he verily stands for. No wonder those historically deemed great by the deceptive eyes of the world are rarely deemed divinely great by the omniscient, all-seeing eyes of God. Self-professed greatness before the vile standards of this world only rarely amounts to spiritual greatness before the divine standards of God.
This candid belief motivates the faithful to sincerely live not only by our own words, but also by those of the Gospel as well. This holds true even while the disheartening values of this fallen world so sternly command otherwise. As once biblically noted on St. James 4:4, "Whosoever therefore would be a friend of this world only makes himself an enemy of God." If amity with a violent, callous and mendacious world leads a religious leader to embrace a life of unabashed hypocrisy, such amity should be abandoned because the atheistic values of a fallen world are never compatible with the divine values of the Gospel. A mendacious world that falsely accuses true believers can only render false judgements entirely unbecoming of the Truth defended by God himself. This highly hypocritical world has always been ready to denigrate and humiliate the very same pious souls God would otherwise like to see being exalted.
Although having enmity with this fallen world certainly requires much in the way of sincere religious renunciation, leading a righteous, truthful life should never be seen as one of the many overbearing burdens, inconvenient impositions and personal sacrifices adamantly required by spiritual salvation. Never to be treated as a burdensome imposition, accepting, embracing and sharing the truth should always be a welcome, alleviating pleasure in life. Even despite all the ensuing persecution one is liable to suffer, sharing the Gospel remains a faithful act of spiritual edification and heartfelt commiseration for all those in such desperate religious need. As Christ himself once said in St. Matthew 11:29-30, "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." A pious man who strives to lead a truthful life in accordance with the Gospel should never perceive this to be a difficult imposition, lest he should publicly require of others what he does not privately demand of himself. After all, expecting others to live by spiritual laws conspicuously unapplied to oneself is a disheartening form of religious hypocrisy meant only to undermine true faith itself. The unspeakable number of souls insiduously destroyed by hypocritical lies and manipulative false appearances is certainly not one to be taken lightly.
This spiritual malady afflicts all false believers, particularly conspiring against those in leadership roles, as a vile and malevolent attempt to undermine the religion as a whole. First sounding the alarm more than two millennia ago, Christ sternly reprobated religious leaders as described in St. Matthew 23:2-7,13-14, "The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat. So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a single finger to move them. Everything they do is done for people to see: they make their phylacteries wide and the tassels on their garments long, they love the place of honor at banquets and the most important seats in the synagogues, they love to be greeted with respect in the marketplace and to be called 'Rabbi' by others... Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypochrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of Heaven on people's faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to."
Approximately two millennia after this ominous and prescient admonishment was first proferred, wondering whether the Apostles themselves were free of this hypocrisy has been one debilitating spiritual problem recently encountered while trying to study the New Testament. Believing the Apostles actually lived by their sacred words once so honestly left behind is of the utmost importance. First living by what these divine words preach is the primary responsibility of anyone who writes in defense of the Gospel, even when only God himself is watching. Doing so free of any pecuniary motivation also helps to strengthen the faith of those who believe there is much in this world that should never be up for sale, religious conviction being only one such example. The minute one tries to market Christianity, as just another good merely to be bought and sold, his own faith is severely compromised along the way. As Christ himself once commanded on St. Matthew 6:24: "No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."
Opposing religious hypocrisy is also important for another good reason. The provenance of religious words is established not only by faith alone but also by the life stories of the evangelists and believers themselves. As the book of Acts and so many other biblical verses so clearly indicate, actions and moral choices are necessary to corroborate whatever sincere religious words may have to convey. Within the religious world this implies living in accordance with the divine words once so lovingly left behind despite the many spiritual trials and tragic vicissitudes of daily life. Holding a man accountable for his words is simply to respect the value of what he has to write and say. Setting a personal example that corroborates what is said and written only strengthens the value of the words left behind, not to mention the true value of oneself. Contrary to what popular belief may have to say, no one has ever been made any greater before the all-seeing eyes of God by embracing hypocrisy as a religion or as a highly profitable way of life.
While trying to resume my humble study of the Bible, it also pays to consider how the Holy Spirit has inspired the Apostles to convey a truth that vastly surpasses the personal meaning and individual limitations of their own lives. Even if some biblical evangelists may have occasionally faltered and betrayed themselves along life's tortuous way, the belief they were divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit renders their words still deserving of enormous consideration and great respect. The divine standard according to which the meaning of life is determined and against which souls are divinely judged is aptly found in the Bible, but only for Christians having the requisite faith, inspired understanding, resilient humility, divine love and fervent religious conviction to live by and uphold God's divine eternal law. Being a chosen one also implies speaking, writing and acting like one. Only the select few whose faith sincerely mastered the divine art of love during the span of their lives are ever subject to spiritual redemption, receiving eternal life in Heaven by the power of God's divine eternal grace. Amongst these select few there can be no room for religious hypocrisy of any kind. God's divine eternal truth was only written down to entirely dispel all blinding infernal lies. Since the truth is most certainly the way, treading this righteous path precludes embracing hypocrisy as a tragically specious religion and highly profitable way of life.
In a world that worships manipulation and deception as a means of personal gain, remaining true to my own words, actions and religious beliefs has been a lifelong concern, one never held in vain. When religion is transformed into a business, satisfying popular demand may lead one to stray from what biblical teachings may so dearly have to say. This has been a stumbling block for many churches, leading to great division, as even the Catholic church itself should admit. Paraphrasing one of Christ's many teachings, a man must first come to terms with his own hypocrisy before helping others to address theirs. This certainly applies to the words we leave behind. As the Messiah himself once taught in St. Matthew 12:36, "But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgement for every empty word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted and by your words you will be condemned." To respect a pious man for all he most sincerely has to say is also to respect all his underlying spiritual beliefs and religious values so cogently have to convey. When our most candid words and actions are a direct reflection of our most sacrosanct spiritual beliefs, religious hypocrisy can never compromise our spiritual standing in life. Before a man can master his own self, he must first command the power, meaning and truthfullness of his own words and actions, always in accordance with the Gospel itself. True believers have no time to entertain religious hypocrisy because of all the self-destructive mendacity that goes along with it, transforming religious life into an unforgiving farce of highly regrettable tragic value.
When morbid lies pave the way always rest assured that the final destination only leaves much to be desired. Never to become like the monsters we are called to oppose, there is one final verity worth remembering. Only light can ever vanquish darkness, lest we should become darkness ourselves. Owning our most sincere words, always so faithfully left behind, is the least we can ever do to be truly loved for whom we really are, and truly valued for all we verily stand for. For those much less optimistic about our prospects of being spiritually accepted, holding fast to the truth still remains in our best interests. Even if we are to be rejected, it is always best to be respectfully shunned for whom we really are than to be viscerally rejected for whom we could only pretend to be. Whether one lives in the service of true heavenly interests or lying infernal ones is a momentous distiction always to be carefully made. Our words and actions should only be indicative of the final destination we so diligently strive to reach. Of light and darkness there is always a difference to tell, as we vie for Heaven while traversing only Hell. Divine is the love that so much hope can always bring to an eternal life once promised by the one and only King of Kings. If our living faith is to survive the unforgiving test of time, the Truth must now prevail over a hypocrisy that all assails. When a divine love for the living Truth is the answer to silence all morbid lies, our hope in the future can only depend on a faith that never dies.