Andre Lamartin
Dec 2, 2023
A Brave Lesson In Love
Though the company of silence is sometimes mistaken for solitude, the silent presence of a close friend always by my side has been a...

Andre Lamartin
Nov 24, 2023
Reflections on Music, Love & Life
Legendary artists never outlive their music as timeless songs never die. They stay alive in our hearts, minds and souls long after...

Andre Lamartin
Nov 22, 2023
On the Words Left Behind
A righteous man should always remain true to whatever he says and writes, striving to live up to the words he leaves behind, rejecting a...

Andre Lamartin
Oct 12, 2023
Remembrances of a Past Life
Pain can never be the universal language of men because this world will always dispute a common understanding of it. As buddhists should...

Andre Lamartin
Jul 31, 2023
Best Friends Forever
To misunderstand the meaning of life is to misunderstand the meaning of love itself. Losing a loved one is to gain an invaluable...

Andre Lamartin
Jul 7, 2022
In Search of Lost Time
How tragic a delicate flower should not outlive its finest hour. Why must beauty always die, while it longs to come alive? Those who say...

Andre Lamartin
Jul 3, 2022
"It´s Evolution, Baby!"
Humanity´s dominion over the animal kingdom should only be exercised as if men were truly superior to his fellow animals. Of the many...

Andre Lamartin
Jun 30, 2022
To Vanquish Time Itself
Always striving to believe no good thing ever dies, before time can take its leave we must keep the dream alive. Leaving the past behind,...

Andre Lamartin
May 16, 2022
The Long Road
For some veterans the war just never ends. It follows you home when persecuted by a past that never relents. Forced to answer so many...

Andre Lamartin
Apr 15, 2022
Love Again
The greatest tragedy of allowing your heart to be broken by a loved one is knowing she succeeded where all your enemies together failed....

Andre Lamartin
Apr 14, 2022
When Reason Contends with the Reasons of the Heart
What the heart needs and wants may not necessarily be one and the same, as the heart has reasons that reason itself seems to defy. While...

Andre Lamartin
Apr 1, 2022
A divine Creator who all seeks to destroy can be no greater than his self-righteous poise. If a divine example doesn't descend from...

Andre Lamartin
Mar 27, 2022
In Defiance of Time
Only when elegantly dressed does true beauty fully blossom, regardless of the reigning season. But those valuing a beautiful woman as a...

Andre Lamartin
Mar 6, 2022
Where the Wild Things Are
If reliving the past means not learning from our mistakes, yesterday should only forever last every time a man awakes. Always knowing...

Andre Lamartin
Nov 16, 2021
An Allegory of Dreams
The tragedy of accepting the facts of life is all the harm done to a once fertile imagination. Little can be said on the redemptive value...

Andre Lamartin
Oct 26, 2021
On the Wearing of Many Masks
When looking himself in the mirror, little good does it do a man to fool the entire world, but not himself. The only truth to be found in...

Andre Lamartin
Oct 8, 2021
Day of the Hunter, Day of the Prey
Some days belong to the hunter, some days belong to the prey. Never satisfy your hunger fighting only for a new day. Every war has many...

Andre Lamartin
Oct 2, 2021
A Silent Presence So Sincerely Felt
A friend is someone always standing by your side while so many others leave, especially during trying times of enormous need. Asking for...

Andre Lamartin
Sep 27, 2021
The Revealing Sound of Silence
Learning to respect silence is always preferable to breaking it for all the wrong reasons. The only thing more important than learning to...

Andre Lamartin
Sep 24, 2021
Music is only one of the many battlefields of the human heart where the spiritual war over our souls has been fought since the fall of...

Andre Lamartin
Sep 16, 2021
The Fate of the Holy Land
In war zones where children die for the mistakes of their fathers, every new generation has an obligation to understand the decisions and...

Andre Lamartin
Sep 15, 2021
A Church Unmeant Only for a Few
People rarely appreciate how difficult it is for a man's words to survive the inclement passage of time and serve as a testament for...

Andre Lamartin
Aug 20, 2021
Vowed Never to Forget
One of the darkest days in aviation has been set aside to mourn the reasons why a proud nation must occasionally be reborn. Distance...

Andre Lamartin
Aug 6, 2021
Life Inside a Shell
There is more to the ocean than perception can tell, a life of constant motion is never lived inside a shell.