Andre Lamartin
Sep 11, 2012
Death Be Not Proud
"Death, be not proud, though some have called thee Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so; For those whom thou think'st thou dost...

Andre Lamartin
Sep 9, 2012
Hold Fast to Dreams
Recently, a distraught friend asked me for some advice on how to handle the disillusionment resulting from an unfulfilled dream in his...

Andre Lamartin
Sep 6, 2012
The United States of Europe
Every European citizen has a moral obligation to take an interest in the current EU crisis because few seem to grasp what is really at...

Robert Frost
Sep 5, 2012
The Road Not Taken
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I...

Andre Lamartin
Aug 23, 2012
The Paradox of the Human Condition
This is the paradox of the human condition: all suffering is transient, even if pain is a constant. O Paradoxo da Condição Humana Esse é...

Andre Lamartin
Aug 23, 2012
Buckingham Palace
I took this photo whilst attending law school in London.

Andre Lamartin
Jun 26, 2012
Les Misérables I Dreamed a Dream
Fantine’s memorable solo “I Dreamed a Dream” is my favorite performance in the musical Les Misérables. The character Fantine has been...

Andre Lamartin
May 17, 2012
True Beauty
“Courage is not simply one of the virtues but the form of every virtue at its greatest testing point." - CS Lewis "Courage is resistance...

Andre Lamartin
May 9, 2012

Andre Lamartin
May 8, 2012
Days of Absence
Days of absence, sad and dreary, Clothed in sorrow’s dark array, Days of absence, I am weary: She I love is far away. - Jean Jacques...

Andre Lamartin
May 7, 2012
Fix You
I believe that God has dispersed pearls of wisdom all across the universe, sometimes even in the most prosaic of places such as a pop...

Andre Lamartin
May 2, 2012
Amor Vincit Omnia
In 42 B.C., Publius Vergilius Maro proposed what, in my opinion, is the most important poetic, philosophical, life affirming verity of...

Andre Lamartin
Apr 14, 2012
My brother and I at UFC Rio. The calm before the storm, in more ways than one.

William Shakespeare
Apr 2, 2012

Andre Lamartin
Mar 10, 2012
Why I Love Movies
When a movie has something meaningful to say about the human condition and does it in an entertaining way, it transcends its own inherent...

Andre Lamartin
Mar 10, 2012
When I was six or seven years old, a friend of my grandfather gave me a poem, which he described as useful guide for moral rectitude....

Andre Lamartin
Feb 16, 2012
A Testament of Hope
Words once spoken or written can resonate far beyond the limits of our own personal understanding, affecting the lives of people in...